Sono stati pubblicati sui canali social e sul sito di Fish Factory l’intervista e il video riassuntivi dell’esperienza di residenza artistica che ho svolto con il fotografo Delfo Pozzi in Islanda. Ecco il testo originale in inglese e i link da cui poter accedere alla pagina della rubrica Meet the artist di Fish Factory e alla video intervista pubblicata su You Tube. Un sentito ringraziamento a tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile questa esperienza, su ogni livello. Grazie!
Sofia Fresia and Delfo Pozzi are two Italian artists working in the fields of Painting and Photography. Sofia completed her MFA at the Academy of Fine Arts of Torino in March 2021, while Delfo is studying Photography at Accademia di Brera in Milano.
They decided to go to Iceland together in order to work on a common project focusing on landscape and climate change. During their time at the Fish Factory, Sofia and Delfo realized a series of works on paper using the technique of mixed media on cyanotype: Delfo took the photos and obtained the negatives, then they worked together at the printing process, and finally Sofia modified the printed cyanotype with pencils and watercolors in order to get a final result placed in the middle between painting and photography. During the time they spent in Iceland, they also worked on single projects: Delfo realized some photo series, while Sofia had the opportunity to create two big oil paintings on canvas inspired by pools, her personal universe of visual references.
Rubrica Meet the Artist
Video intervista